A Busy Spring

I am realizing the amount of time needed to do a monthly virtual show! Since I have found the Facebook group of Wool and Fiber Arts I have met many new fiber enthusiasts as well as reconnecting with others that I’ve met at the in person shows we’ve done.

This is another WAFA show weekend and I will be airing at 4:30 EDT on this Sunday, May 30th. https://fb.me/e/4p3bTS5pE should take you there or at least to the announcement of our event. (I’m still learning this technical navigation)

If you would like to see the full schedule of the activities of this weekend (which started today) here is the brochure https://issuu.com/terramiakat/docs/wafamay2021.. I managed to watch some of them today, and the nice part is that even if you miss the live you can go back to the individual’s page and watch again on a replay. After their show the vendors can also post pictures in an after the sale album of their remaining items.

This month our son Cliff will be showing his needle felted art dolls, while I will have a variety of hand dyed yarns and roving. Stop by and say hi!

As soon as the show is over, we send invoices and mail product and fill the album, then will begin the planning and making for the next show, dyeing some yarn and roving in the colors of the palette of the month as well as getting ready to participate in the challenge of the Tour de Fleece! It is shaping up to be a very busy year!